Big Mac: Part of the Legend

Kudos to McDonalds for solving the mystery behind Napoleon's hidden hand inside the pocket.
I am loving it :)

Together!! 'Lets Conserve Energy'

A finger alone cannot do what a hand can do. A single person cannot do what a team can do in any sport. On the same lines indeed it is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy.

Having said that it is the one who starts the revolution and others follow the league. But we can't wait for someone to initate, Especially when things are just waiting to get worse. An International leadership where all the leaders come to decision considering all the road blocks, individual perspective, social and economic development is required.

Now it is of atmost importance that we have a worldwide co-operation because it might happen that to achieve this goal a set of rules may hinder the development for a few nations, or may directly affect the population, or may bring down already established nations. So a worldwide consent is must for its success.

Lets take a real life situation here. When all the countries to cap on carbon emission coined the concept of carbon credits, the best example of international leadership. To bring down the carbon emmision or green house gases it was decided to fix a certain level of carbon emmision based on the economic health of a nation and if a country exceeds the level it will have to pay or it will have to buy carbon credits from other nation. As of now it has been successfully implemented and is progressively helping bringing down green house gas emission.

With one nation in the role it would not have been possible. But together our leadership made it and sure we can in future for any cause.Their are certain issues which cannot be handled individually by a nation (i.e. funds for natural calamity kept by UN, funds for economic meltdown, poverty, social services, fighting terrorism). we need all hands to meet because these are not single handed jobs. Conserving Energy is one of them.

Something which our future generation will look up to and be grateful of us. Together we can!! United we stand, divided we fall.

New Coke!! a big failure in 1985

How can this happen to coke?? Mind-boggling as it seems.

Coke in 1985 launched a sweeter version of the soft drink named 'New Coke' withdrawing its traditional 99 years old formula. Why would a firm with well captured market do that??

Coke's market share had dropped significantly due to its competitor Pepsi and it's own product range(diet Coke, Fanta) by 1984. It became the major threat for the top management. Two years into taste tests and research, working with the secrecy of a military operation, time and money put in the research could not measure or reveal the depth of emotions to original coca cola. It underestimated the power of its original brand.

Coke focused on product, not on the brand. Management can't be blamed on this because when the rival(Pepsi) deteriorates your product by being product centric and comparing products(Its taste, sweetness etc) in its ad campaigns, one always tries to back the product with changes in it. Though the way coke went about it was wrong. They didn't even try to know consumer inputs, though they were not that stupid to go for this option but circumstances(didn't have the choice to curb market share dropping) made them do this. Probably that was also the reason that no one was fired for this disaster. Finally, coke had to stop its 'New Coke' and it brought back the classic coke. Clearly this was the case of product management and not new product(Brand) development.

Consequently an unexpected(not serious) thing happened. For all the money coke put in research didn't go for a toss. Consumers realized how good their classic coke was in its absence in the market, so when it came back it got an overwhelming response. A few critics say that it was an intentional move by coke to publicize its product, but I don't see any point for anyone to do something like this intentionally.

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